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There are a lot of different ways to enter the field of nursing and even more career options available to nurses. To help you figure out what path you want to take, here’s an extensive list of every nursing career and specialty available to you. Get ready to scroll!

The Different Types of Nurses


Median salary: According to the BLS, the median salary for CNAs is $30,290 per year or $14.56 per hour.

Career Outlook: Overall employment of nursing assistants is projected to grow 8 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations.            

Education requirements: Certified nursing assistants must complete a state-approved training program. These programs are generally found at local community colleges, high schools, vocational or technical schools, or local hospitals.

Job Description: Responsibilities of CNAs include turning and repositioning patients, gathering bedside supplies, assisting patients with ADLs, assisting with medical procedures, answering patient calls, and obtaining vital signs. 


Median salary:  According to the BLS, the median salary for LPNs is $48,070 per year or $23.11 per hour.

Career Outlook: Overall employment of LPNs is projected to grow 9 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations.    

Education requirements: Becoming an LPN requires completing an accredited practical nursing certificate program, which is usually offered at community colleges and takes about a year to complete.

Job Description: A LPN helps provide patients with essential care including eat, drink, and bathe. There will be times when an LPN administers certain medications and performs other duties such as taking blood pressure, inserting catheters, and recording other vital signs.


Median salary: According to the BLS, the median salary for RNs is $77,600 per year or $37.31 per hour.

Career Outlook: Overall employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 9 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations.    

Education requirements: To become an RN, there are three paths including a BSN which takes 4 years to complete, an ADN which takes 2 to 3 years to complete or a nursing diploma which takes 1 to 2 years to complete.

Job Description: RNs are responsible for the care, education, and coordination of sick and dying patients. Main responsibilities include assessing patients, administering medications and treatments, collaborating with other healthcare providers, educating patients and families on disease processes and management, and assisting with procedures.


Median salary: According to the BLS, the median salary for NPs is $120,680 per year.

Career Outlook: Overall employment of nurse practitioners is projected to grow 52 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.    

Education requirements: The first step to becoming a NP is to earn your BSN and gain bedside nursing experience. Then, enroll in an accredited MSN/NP program and pass the national certification exam.

Job Description: NPs are health care providers that can prescribe medication, examine patients, order diagnostic tests, diagnose illnesses, and provide treatment.


Median salary: According to the BLS, the median salary for CNMs is $112,830 per year.

Career Outlook: Overall employment of certified nurse-midwives is projected to grow 11 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.    

Education requirements: The first step to becoming a CNM is to earn your BSN and gain relevant bedside nursing experience. Then, enroll in an accredited MSN/CNM program and pass the national certification exam.

Job Description: Common job responsibilities for CNM include delivering babies, providing prenatal and postpartum care, assisting obstetricians, and performing routine check-ups for pregnant patients. Other duties include, annual exams, prescribing medications, patient education, and basic nutritional counseling.


Median salary: According to the BLS, the median salary for CRNAs is $195,610 per year.

Career Outlook: Overall employment of certified registered nurse anesthetists is projected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations.    

Education requirements: First, earn a BSN and then gain one to three years of experience working in the ICU. Next, apply and get accepted to an accredited nurse anesthesia program which will take two to three years to complete.

Job Description: CRNAs are responsible for the care of a patient under anesthesia. Specific duties include identifying risks to a patient under anesthesia, administering anesthetic and pain medication, and educating patients and their families.

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Median salary: According to ZipRecruiter.com, the median salary for CNSs is $112,221 per year or $54 per hour.

Career Outlook: APRN jobs, which include Clinical Nurse Specialists, are expected to increase by 45 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Education requirements: After earning a bachelor’s degree, attend an accredited MSN program with a focus on a clinical nurse specialist track. After successful completion, you must pass a national certification exam administered by American Nurses Credentialing Center.

Job Description: Responsibilities of a CNS will depend on the specialty and type of facility. Specific job duties include assisting with evidence-based practice projects, assisting with research, educating patients and families, teaching within the community, providing transitional care, conducting research as the primary investigator, and assisting nurses and staff with direct patient care as a resource.

Nurse Educator

Median salary: According to the BLS, the median annual salary is $82,040 for nurse educators in post-secondary universities.

Career Outlook: Overall employment of postsecondary teachers is projected to grow 12 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations.            

Education requirements: After successful completion of a BSN program, you’ll need to complete an MSN nurse educator program. Though every MSN curriculum is different, accredited nursing programs follow the framework provided by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing in The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Job Description: Nurse educators have a variety of responsibilities including developing lesson plans, teaching courses, overseeing students’ clinical practice, maintaining clinical competencies, and serving as a mentor on academic and career issues.Nurse Administrator

Median salary: According to the BLS, Nurse Administrators fall into the category of Medical and Health 

 Managers and they earn an average annual salary of $101,340 per year or $48.72 per hour.

Career Outlook: The employment of medical and health services managers is projected to grow 32 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Education requirements

Job Description: Specific responsibilities of a nurse administrator depend on the type of job - CNO versus nurse manager versus a nursing director. Common jobs include managing day-to-day operations for the nursing staff, managing the budget and financial planning, creating operational strategies, interviewing and hiring new staff, and managing the schedule.

Clinical Nurse Leader

Median salary: According to ZipRecruiter, Clinical Nurse Leaders earn an average annual salary of $102,821 or $49 per hour.

Career Outlook: The position is relatively new and there are only about 1,000 certified CNLs in the United States at this time, ensuring that new nurses entering this important field can have a high level of confidence in their career outlook and their job prospects.

Education requirements: After graduating from a BSN program and earning your RN, you’ll need to earn an MSN from an accredited CNL program. The CNL program will need to include a minimum of 400 clinical hours within the CNL program, including a minimum of 300 clinical hours in a clinical immersion experience.

Job Description: CNLs have many different roles and responsibilities including, advocating for patients and families, coordinating the care of patients, acting as mentors to staff and liaisons to administration, educating staff members on new policies and procedures, and delegating patient care. 



工资中位数:根据BLS,CNA 的工资中位数为每年 30,290 美元或每小时 14.56 美元。

职业展望:从 2020 年到 2030 年,护理助理的总体就业预计将增长 8%,与所有职业的平均水平差不多。           


职位描述: CNA 的职责包括转身和重新定位患者、收集床边用品、协助患有 ADL 的患者、协助医疗程序、接听患者电话和获取生命体征。


工资中位数:  根据BLS,LPN 的工资中位数为每年 48,070 美元或每小时 23.11 美元。

职业展望: LPN 的总体就业预计从 2020 年到 2030 年将增长 9%,与所有职业的平均水平差不多。   

教育要求:成为 LPN 需要完成经认可的实用护理证书课程,该课程通常在社区学院提供,大约需要一年时间才能完成。

工作描述: LPN 帮助为患者提供基本护理,包括吃、喝和洗澡。有时,LPN 会管理某些药物并执行其他职责,例如测量血压、插入导管和记录其他生命体征。


工资中位数:根据BLS,注册护士的工资中位数为每年 77,600 美元或每小时 37.31 美元。

职业展望:从 2020 年到 2030 年,注册护士的总体就业预计将增长 9%,与所有职业的平均水平差不多。   

教育要求:要成为注册护士,有三种途径,包括需要 4 年才能完成的 BSN、需要 2 到 3 年才能完成的 ADN 或需要 1 到 2 年才能完成的护理文凭。

职位描述: RN 负责照顾、教育和协调生病和垂死的病人。主要职责包括评估患者、管理药物和治疗、与其他医疗保健提供者合作、对患者和家属进行疾病过程和管理方面的教育,以及协助处理程序。


工资中位数:根据BLS,NP 的工资中位数为每年 120,680 美元。

职业展望:从 2020 年到 2030 年,执业护士的总体就业预计将增长 52%,远快于所有职业的平均水平。   

教育要求:成为 NP 的第一步是获得 BSN 并获得床边护理经验。然后,注册获得认可的 MSN/NP 计划并通过国家认证考试。

职位描述: NP 是可以开药、检查患者、订购诊断测试、诊断疾病和提供治疗的医疗保健提供者。


工资中位数:根据BLS,CNM 的工资中位数为每年 112,830 美元。

职业展望:从 2020 年到 2030 年,认证助产士的总体就业预计将增长 11%,远快于所有职业的平均水平。   

教育要求:成为 CNM 的第一步是获得 BSN 并获得相关的床边护理经验。然后,注册获得认可的 MSN/CNM 计划并通过国家认证考试。

职位描述: CNM 的常见工作职责包括接生、提供产前和产后护理、协助产科医生以及为孕妇进行例行检查。其他职责包括年度检查、开药、患者教育和基本营养咨询。


工资中位数:根据BLS,CRNA 的工资中位数为每年 195,610 美元。

职业展望:从 2020 年到 2030 年,认证注册护士麻醉师的总体就业预计将增长 13%,高于所有职业的平均水平。   教育要求:首先,获得BSN,然后获得在ICU工作一到三年的经验。接下来,申请并被认可的护士麻醉计划接受,该计划需要两到三年才能完成。

职位描述: CRNA 负责在麻醉下照顾病人。具体职责包括识别麻醉患者的风险、给予麻醉剂和止痛药,以及对患者及其家人进行教育。


工资中位数:根据ZipRecruiter.com的数据,CNS 的工资中位数为每年 112,221 美元或每小时 54 美元。

职业前景:根据劳工统计局的数据,从 2020 年到 2030 年,包括临床护士专家在内的 APRN 工作预计将增加 45%,远快于所有职业的平均水平。

教育要求:获得学士学位后,参加认可的 MSN 计划,重点是临床护士专家轨道。成功完成后,您必须通过由美国护士认证中心管理的国家认证考试。

职位描述: CNS 的职责将取决于设施的专业和类型。具体工作职责包括协助循证实践项目、协助研究、教育患者和家属、在社区内教学、提供过渡性护理、作为主要研究者进行研究,以及协助护士和工作人员将直接患者护理作为资源。


工资中位数:根据美国劳工统计局的数据,大专院校护士教育工作者的年薪中位数为 82,040 美元。

职业展望:从 2020 年到 2030 年,高等教育教师的总体就业预计将增长 12%,快于所有职业的平均水平。           

教育要求:成功完成 BSN 计划后,您需要完成 MSN 护士教育计划。尽管每个 MSN 课程都不同,但经过认证的护理课程遵循美国护理学院协会在护理硕士教育要点中提供的框架。



工资中位数:根据 BLS,护士管理员属于医疗和健康服务经理类别,他们的平均年薪为每年 101,340 美元或每小时 48.72 美元。

职业展望:预计从 2020 年到 2030 年,医疗和卫生服务经理的就业人数将增长 32%,远快于所有职业的平均水平。




工资中位数:根据ZipRecruiter的数据,临床护士领导的平均年薪为 102,821 美元或每小时 49 美元。

职业前景:该职位相对较新,目前美国只有大约 1,000 名获得认证的 CNL,确保进入这一重要领域的新护士能够对自己的职业前景和工作前景充满信心。

教育要求:从 BSN 计划毕业并获得注册护士后,您需要从认可的 CNL 计划获得 MSN。CNL 计划将需要在 CNL 计划中包括至少 400 个临床小时,其中包括至少 300 个临床沉浸式体验的临床小时。

职位描述: CNL 有许多不同的角色和职责,包括为患者和家属辩护、协调患者的护理、充当员工的导师和行政联络员、对员工进行新政策和程序的教育以及委派患者护理。 


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